Tips For Losing That Baby Weight

Is it nearing time to have the baby, and you’re already thinking of ways to lose your baby fat? Or is the baby a few months to a year old, and you’re that extra weight is still clinging to you?

In either situation, you need to know that there are healthy ways you can lose those extra baby pounds, but you have to do it in a smart and safe way.

Hint: crash diets are not the answer, especially if you want to keep the weight from creeping back on later.

Here are some tips for Mommies who want their pre-baby body back.

Consider Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is not only good for the baby, but it’s a good way to help you lose those extra pounds.

When nursing, you can add extra calories to your diet, but if you aren’t very active, just don’t eat those extra 300 calories a day,and you’ll start to see some of that baby fat melt off.

Talk to your doctor about healthy eating while breastfeeding to make sure you are not harming the baby or doing anything to make it harder for you to produce the amount of breast milk your little one needs.

Eat Nutritious Foods

When you eat healthy, your body is more likely to use up the calories you take in. Eat fresh vegetable and fruits, lean meats, and whole grains. This is not only good for you, but good for the baby if you’re breastfeeding.

Don’t deprive yourself, though. You should still have a treat now and then to satisfy your sweet tooth or some other craving, just don’t go overboard.


For the first six weeks after the baby is born, you’ll need to follow your doctor’s instructions when it comes to exercise.

However, you can keep moving by taking walks and getting up and cleaning the house to help you burn off calories.

Once the doctor Okays it, you should start a regular exercise program that includes weight training. Lifting weights helps you build lean muscle, which burns more fat and calories than just aerobics alone.

Consider joining a group of mothers who exercise while playing with the baby. This gives you bonding time and time to work out.

Don’t Get Discouraged

Just think of it this way, it took at least 9 months for you to gain the baby weight, so give yourself plenty of time to take it off.

If it’s been a while and weight is still lingering, consider changing up your workout routine to give yourself a weight loss boost. There’s always something you can do to get past a weight loss plateau.

Most healthy diet and exercise programs are set up so that you lose about a pound or two a week, and if you lose the weight too quickly, it’ll most likely come right back.

If you’re doing weight training, don’t go by the scale to measure your progress, go buy how your clothes fit.

Having a baby should not be an excuse to be overweight!

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